Your pain won’t last forever

Usually I gain a few holiday pounds during the Christmas season. I enjoy baking, cooking, and indulging in all the extra holiday treats at family gatherings and parties. But….this year was different. Although I never had an official diagnosis (I figured it may...

Nine Warning Labels of Pain

Have you ever been walking through your house (or galloping, if you’re a mom on a mission) and slammed your little toe into a piece of furniture? What happens in that moment? The pain stops you, overwhelms you, and causes you to completely change your actions....

Sharing the gift of authentic hope

I was nervous. So nervous that the butterflies were fluttering, my laugh was a bit forced, and my insides were just short of churning. It was the morning of my first Tough Mudder race. As I stood waiting for the mud run to begin, the thoughts in my brain tumbled...

Jesus knows how you feel

  “Well, no one knows how I feel!” How many times have we as teachers (or parents!) seen a child hurl these words over her shoulder, and stomp off to a corner of the playground to pout? We stand there thinking, Yes, I believe you’re right. There...

A Broken Christmas

  Many of us remember the Christmases of our childhood as being picture-perfect. I certainly do. I grew up in rural Wisconsin, and both my parents came from large farming families. Christmas Eve was spent with my dad’s side on the Brooks farm, and Christmas...

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