Three Benefits of having a Blessing Journal

Three Benefits of having a Blessing Journal

I'm forgetful. I'd like to blame it on busyness, but truthfully, I've always struggled with forgetting things. To make sure I don't miss appointments, deadlines, or any of the multitude of church and sports activities we're involved in, I keep a master calendar in my...


Family Update: March-May 2020

Family Update: March-May 2020

Wow, how things have changed since our January-February update! Little did we know how different the world would be in just a few short months. Because of the corona virus, many of the things I told you about in our last update were changed, postponed, or cancelled....

Family Update: January-February 2020

Family Update: January-February 2020

Hello, my friends! This year, I'm attempting (not promising, but attempting!) to give a family/ministry update every few months, instead of just at Christmas. One thing I realized when I started blogging is that my readers very quickly went from being friends to...

Merry Christmas 2019

Merry Christmas 2019

Merry Christmas to our friends, family, relatives, and my faithful readers! Oh how I would love to invite everyone to my house for a huge Christmas party! But considering that number is in the thousands, my house isn't very large, and many of you live across the...


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